• 17 minutes to read

Applies to: yesSQL Server (all supported versions) YesAzure SQL Database YesAzure SQL Managed Instance yesAzure Synapse Analytics yesAnalytics Platform System (PDW)

Adds a user to the current database. The 12 types of users are listed below with a sample of the most basic syntax:

Users based on logins in master - This is the most common type of user.

  • User based on a login based on a Windows Active Directory account. CREATE USER [Contoso\Fritz];
  • User based on a login based on a Windows group. CREATE USER [Contoso\Sales];
  • User based on a login using SQL Server authentication. CREATE USER Mary;

Users that authenticate at the database - Recommended to help make your database more portable.
Always allowed in SQL Database. Only allowed in a contained database in SQL Server.

  • User based on a Windows user that has no login. CREATE USER [Contoso\Fritz];

  • User based on a Windows group that has no login. CREATE USER [Contoso\Sales];

  • User in SQL Database or Azure Synapse Analytics based on an Azure Active Directory user. CREATE USER [] FROM EXTERNAL PROVIDER;

  • Contained database user with password. (Not available in Azure Synapse Analytics.) CREATE USER Mary WITH PASSWORD = '********';

Users based on Windows principals that connect through Windows group logins

  • User based on a Windows user that has no login, but can connect to the Database Engine through membership in a Windows group. CREATE USER [Contoso\Fritz];

  • User based on a Windows group that has no login, but can connect to the Database Engine through membership in a different Windows group. CREATE USER [Contoso\Fritz];

Users that cannot authenticate - These users cannot login to SQL Server or SQL Database.

  • User without a login. Cannot login but can be granted permissions. CREATE USER CustomApp WITHOUT LOGIN;
  • User based on a certificate. Cannot login but can be granted permissions and can sign modules. CREATE USER TestProcess FOR CERTIFICATE CarnationProduction50;
  • User based on an asymmetric key. Cannot login but can be granted permissions and can sign modules. CREATE User TestProcess FROM ASYMMETRIC KEY PacificSales09;

Topic link icon Transact-SQL Syntax Conventions


            -- Syntax for SQL Server, Azure SQL Database, and Azure SQL Managed Instance    -- Syntax Users based on logins in master   CREATE USER user_name        [            { FOR | FROM } LOGIN login_name        ]       [ WITH <limited_options_list> [ ,... ] ]    [ ; ]      -- Users that authenticate at the database   CREATE USER        {         windows_principal [ WITH <options_list> [ ,... ] ]          | user_name WITH PASSWORD = 'password' [ , <options_list> [ ,... ]        | Azure_Active_Directory_principal FROM EXTERNAL PROVIDER        }       [ ; ]      -- Users based on Windows principals that connect through Windows group logins   CREATE USER        {              windows_principal [ { FOR | FROM } LOGIN windows_principal ]           | user_name { FOR | FROM } LOGIN windows_principal   }       [ WITH <limited_options_list> [ ,... ] ]    [ ; ]      -- Users that cannot authenticate    CREATE USER user_name        {            WITHOUT LOGIN [ WITH <limited_options_list> [ ,... ] ]          | { FOR | FROM } CERTIFICATE cert_name           | { FOR | FROM } ASYMMETRIC KEY asym_key_name        }    [ ; ]      <options_list> ::=         DEFAULT_SCHEMA = schema_name       | DEFAULT_LANGUAGE = { NONE | lcid | language name | language alias }       | SID = sid        | ALLOW_ENCRYPTED_VALUE_MODIFICATIONS = [ ON | OFF ] ]      <limited_options_list> ::=         DEFAULT_SCHEMA = schema_name ]        | ALLOW_ENCRYPTED_VALUE_MODIFICATIONS = [ ON | OFF ] ]      -- SQL Database syntax when connected to a federation member   CREATE USER user_name   [;]  -- Syntax for users based on Azure AD logins for Azure SQL Managed Instance CREATE USER user_name        [   { FOR | FROM } LOGIN login_name  ]       | FROM EXTERNAL PROVIDER     [ WITH <limited_options_list> [ ,... ] ]    [ ; ]    <limited_options_list> ::=         DEFAULT_SCHEMA = schema_name      | DEFAULT_LANGUAGE = { NONE | lcid | language name | language alias }        | ALLOW_ENCRYPTED_VALUE_MODIFICATIONS = [ ON | OFF ] ]                      
            -- Syntax for Azure Synapse Analytics      CREATE USER user_name        [ { { FOR | FROM } { LOGIN login_name }          | WITHOUT LOGIN       ]        [ WITH DEFAULT_SCHEMA = schema_name ]   [;]  CREATE USER Azure_Active_Directory_principal FROM EXTERNAL PROVIDER       [ WITH DEFAULT_SCHEMA = schema_name ]   [;]                      
            -- Syntax for Parallel Data Warehouse      CREATE USER user_name        [ { { FOR | FROM }         {            LOGIN login_name          }          | WITHOUT LOGIN       ]        [ WITH DEFAULT_SCHEMA = schema_name ]   [;]                      



Specifies the name by which the user is identified inside this database. user_name is a sysname. It can be up to 128 characters long. When creating a user based on a Windows principal, the Windows principal name becomes the user name unless another user name is specified.

LOGIN login_name

Specifies the login for which the database user is being created. login_name must be a valid login in the server. Can be a login based on a Windows principal (user or group), or a login using SQL Server authentication. When this SQL Server login enters the database, it acquires the name and ID of the database user that is being created. When creating a login mapped from a Windows principal, use the format [ <domainName> \ <loginName> ]. For examples, see Syntax Summary.

If the CREATE USER statement is the only statement in a SQL batch, Azure SQL Database supports the WITH LOGIN clause. If the CREATE USER statement is not the only statement in a SQL batch or is executed in dynamic SQL, the WITH LOGIN clause is not supported.


Specifies the first schema that will be searched by the server when it resolves the names of objects for this database user.


Specifies the Windows principal for which the database user is being created. The windows_principal can be a Windows user, or a Windows group. The user will be created even if the windows_principal does not have a login. When connecting to SQL Server, if the windows_principal does not have a login, the Windows principal must authenticate at the Database Engine through membership in a Windows group that has a login, or the connection string must specify the contained database as the initial catalog. When creating a user from a Windows principal, use the format [ <domainName> \ <loginName> ]. For examples, see Syntax Summary. Users based on Active Directory users, are limited to names of fewer than 21 characters.


Applies to: SQL Database, Azure Synapse Analytics.

Specifies the Azure Active Directory principal for which the database user is being created. The Azure_Active_Directory_principal can be an Azure Active Directory user, an Azure Active Directory group, or an Azure Active Directory application. (Azure Active Directory users cannot have Windows Authentication logins in SQL Database; only database users.) The connection string must specify the contained database as the initial catalog.

For Azure AD principals, the CREATE USER syntax requires:

  • UserPrincipalName of the Azure AD object for Azure AD Users.

  • Azure AD users and service principals (Azure AD applications) that are members of more than 2048 Azure AD security groups are not supported to login into the database in SQL Database, Managed Instance, or Azure Synapse.

  • DisplayName of Azure AD object for Azure AD Groups and Azure AD Applications. If you had the Nurses security group, you would use:


For more information, see Connecting to SQL Database By Using Azure Active Directory Authentication.

WITH PASSWORD = 'password'

Applies to: SQL Server 2012 (11.x) and later, SQL Database.

Can only be used in a contained database. Specifies the password for the user that is being created. Beginning with SQL Server 2012 (11.x), stored password information is calculated using SHA-512 of the salted password.


Specifies that the user should not be mapped to an existing login.


Applies to: SQL Server 2008 and later, SQL Database.

Specifies the certificate for which the database user is being created.

ASYMMETRIC KEY asym_key_name

Applies to: SQL Server 2008 and later, SQL Database.

Specifies the asymmetric key for which the database user is being created.

DEFAULT_LANGUAGE = { NONE | <lcid> | <language name> | <language salias> }

Applies to: SQL Server 2012 (11.x) and later, SQL Database.

Specifies the default language for the new user. If a default language is specified for the user and the default language of the database is later changed, the users default language remains as specified. If no default language is specified, the default language for the user will be the default language of the database. If the default language for the user is not specified and the default language of the database is later changed, the default language of the user will change to the new default language for the database.


DEFAULT_LANGUAGE is used only for a contained database user.

SID = sid

Applies to: SQL Server 2012 (11.x) and later.

Applies only to users with passwords ( SQL Server authentication) in a contained database. Specifies the SID of the new database user. If this option is not selected, SQL Server automatically assigns a SID. Use the SID parameter to create users in multiple databases that have the same identity (SID). This is useful when creating users in multiple databases to prepare for Always On failover. To determine the SID of a user, query sys.database_principals.


Applies to: SQL Server 2016 (13.x) and later, SQL Database.

Suppresses cryptographic metadata checks on the server in bulk copy operations. This enables the user to bulk copy encrypted data between tables or databases, without decrypting the data. The default is OFF.


If FOR LOGIN is omitted, the new database user will be mapped to the SQL Server login with the same name.

The default schema will be the first schema that will be searched by the server when it resolves the names of objects for this database user. Unless otherwise specified, the default schema will be the owner of objects created by this database user.

If the user has a default schema, that default schema will used. If the user does not have a default schema, but the user is a member of a group that has a default schema, the default schema of the group will be used. If the user does not have a default schema, and is a member of more than one group, the default schema for the user will be that of the Windows group with the lowest principal_id and an explicitly set default schema. (It is not possible to explicitly select one of the available default schemas as the preferred schema.) If no default schema can be determined for a user, the dbo schema will be used.

DEFAULT_SCHEMA can be set before the schema that it points to is created.

DEFAULT_SCHEMA cannot be specified when you are creating a user mapped to a certificate, or an asymmetric key.

The value of DEFAULT_SCHEMA is ignored if the user is a member of the sysadmin fixed server role. All members of the sysadmin fixed server role have a default schema of dbo.

The WITHOUT LOGIN clause creates a user that is not mapped to a SQL Server login. It can connect to other databases as guest. Permissions can be assigned to this user without login and when the security context is changed to a user without login, the original users receives the permissions of the user without login. See example D. Creating and using a user without a login.

Only users that are mapped to Windows principals can contain the backslash character (\).

CREATE USER cannot be used to create a guest user because the guest user already exists inside every database. You can enable the guest user by granting it CONNECT permission, as shown:

            GRANT CONNECT TO guest;   GO                      

Information about database users is visible in the sys.database_principals catalog view.

A new syntax extension, FROM EXTERNAL PROVIDER is available for creating server-level Azure AD logins in SQL Managed Instance. Azure AD logins allow database-level Azure AD principals to be mapped to server-level Azure AD logins. To create an Azure AD user from an Azure AD login use the following syntax:

CREATE USER [AAD_principal] FROM LOGIN [Azure AD login]

When creating the user in the SQL Managed Instance database, the login_name must correspond to an existing Azure AD login, or else using the FROM EXTERNAL PROVIDER clause will only create an Azure AD user without a login in the master database. For example, this command will create a contained user:


Syntax Summary

Users based on logins in master

The following list shows possible syntax for users based on logins. The default schema options are not listed.

  • CREATE USER [Domain1\WindowsUserBarry]
  • CREATE USER [Domain1\WindowsUserBarry] FOR LOGIN Domain1\WindowsUserBarry
  • CREATE USER [Domain1\WindowsUserBarry] FROM LOGIN Domain1\WindowsUserBarry
  • CREATE USER [Domain1\WindowsGroupManagers]
  • CREATE USER [Domain1\WindowsGroupManagers] FOR LOGIN [Domain1\WindowsGroupManagers]
  • CREATE USER [Domain1\WindowsGroupManagers] FROM LOGIN [Domain1\WindowsGroupManagers]

Users that authenticate at the database

The following list shows possible syntax for users that can only be used in a contained database. The users created will not be related to any logins in the master database. The default schema and language options are not listed.


This syntax grants users access to the database and also grants new access to the Database Engine.

  • CREATE USER [Domain1\WindowsUserBarry]
  • CREATE USER [Domain1\WindowsGroupManagers]
  • CREATE USER Barry WITH PASSWORD = 'sdjklalie8rew8337!$d'

Users based on Windows principals without logins in master

The following list shows possible syntax for users that have access to the Database Engine through a Windows group but do not have a login in master. This syntax can be used in all types of databases. The default schema and language options are not listed.

This syntax is similar to users based on logins in master, but this category of user does not have a login in master. The user must have access to the Database Engine through a Windows group login.

This syntax is similar to contained database users based on Windows principals, but this category of user does not get new access to the Database Engine.

  • CREATE USER [Domain1\WindowsUserBarry]
  • CREATE USER [Domain1\WindowsUserBarry] FOR LOGIN Domain1\WindowsUserBarry
  • CREATE USER [Domain1\WindowsUserBarry] FROM LOGIN Domain1\WindowsUserBarry
  • CREATE USER [Domain1\WindowsGroupManagers]
  • CREATE USER [Domain1\WindowsGroupManagers] FOR LOGIN [Domain1\WindowsGroupManagers]
  • CREATE USER [Domain1\WindowsGroupManagers] FROM LOGIN [Domain1\WindowsGroupManagers]

Users that cannot authenticate

The following list shows possible syntax for users that cannot login to SQL Server.



Creating a user grants access to a database but does not automatically grant any access to the objects in a database. After creating a user, common actions are to add users to database roles that have permission to access database objects, or grant object permissions to the user. For information about designing a permissions system, see Getting Started with Database Engine Permissions.

Special Considerations for Contained Databases

When connecting to a contained database, if the user does not have a login in the master database, the connection string must include the contained database name as the initial catalog. The initial catalog parameter is always required for a contained database user with password.

In a contained database, creating users helps separate the database from the instance of the Database Engine so that the database can easily be moved to another instance of SQL Server. For more information, see Contained Databases and Contained Database Users - Making Your Database Portable. To change a database user from a user based on a SQL Server authentication login to a contained database user with password, see sp_migrate_user_to_contained (Transact-SQL).

In a contained database, users do not have to have logins in the master database. Database Engine administrators should understand that access to a contained database can be granted at the database level, instead of the Database Engine level. For more information, see Security Best Practices with Contained Databases.

When using contained database users on Azure SQL Database, configure access using a database-level firewall rule, instead of a server-level firewall rule. For more information, see sp_set_database_firewall_rule (Azure SQL Database).

For SQL Database and Azure Synapse Analytics contained database users, SSMS can support Multi-Factor Authentication. For more information, see SSMS support for Azure AD MFA with SQL Database and Azure Synapse Analytics.


Requires ALTER ANY USER permission on the database.


A. Creating a database user based on a SQL Server login

The following example first creates a SQL Server login named AbolrousHazem, and then creates a corresponding database user AbolrousHazem in AdventureWorks2012.

            CREATE LOGIN AbolrousHazem        WITH PASSWORD = '340$Uuxwp7Mcxo7Khy';                      

Change to a user database. For example, in SQL Server use the USE AdventureWorks2012 statement. In Azure Synapse Analytics and Analytics Platform System (PDW), you must make a new connection to the user database.

            CREATE USER AbolrousHazem FOR LOGIN AbolrousHazem;   GO                      

B. Creating a database user with a default schema

The following example first creates a server login named WanidaBenshoof with a password, and then creates a corresponding database user Wanida, with the default schema Marketing.

            CREATE LOGIN WanidaBenshoof        WITH PASSWORD = '8fdKJl3$nlNv3049jsKK';   USE AdventureWorks2012;   CREATE USER Wanida FOR LOGIN WanidaBenshoof        WITH DEFAULT_SCHEMA = Marketing;   GO                      

C. Creating a database user from a certificate

The following example creates a database user JinghaoLiu from certificate CarnationProduction50.

Applies to: SQL Server 2008 and later.

            USE AdventureWorks2012;   CREATE CERTIFICATE CarnationProduction50       WITH SUBJECT = 'Carnation Production Facility Supervisors',       EXPIRY_DATE = '11/11/2011';   GO   CREATE USER JinghaoLiu FOR CERTIFICATE CarnationProduction50;   GO                      

D. Creating and using a user without a login

The following example creates a database user CustomApp that does not map to a SQL Server login. The example then grants a user adventure-works\tengiz0 permission to impersonate the CustomApp user.

            USE AdventureWorks2012 ;   CREATE USER CustomApp WITHOUT LOGIN ;   GRANT IMPERSONATE ON USER::CustomApp TO [adventure-works\tengiz0] ;   GO                      

To use the CustomApp credentials, the user adventure-works\tengiz0 executes the following statement.

            EXECUTE AS USER = 'CustomApp' ;   GO                      

To revert back to the adventure-works\tengiz0 credentials, the user executes the following statement.

            REVERT ;   GO                      

E. Creating a contained database user with password

The following example creates a contained database user with password. This example can only be executed in a contained database.

Applies to: SQL Server 2012 (11.x) and later. This example works in SQL Database if DEFAULT_LANGUAGE is removed.

            USE AdventureWorks2012 ;   GO   CREATE USER Carlo   WITH PASSWORD='RN92piTCh%$!~3K9844 Bl*'       , DEFAULT_LANGUAGE=[Brazilian]       , DEFAULT_SCHEMA=[dbo]   GO                      

F. Creating a contained database user for a domain login

The following example creates a contained database user for a login named Fritz in a domain named Contoso. This example can only be executed in a contained database.

Applies to: SQL Server 2012 (11.x) and later.

            USE AdventureWorks2012 ;   GO   CREATE USER [Contoso\Fritz] ;   GO                      

G. Creating a contained database user with a specific SID

The following example creates a SQL Server authenticated contained database user named CarmenW. This example can only be executed in a contained database.

Applies to: SQL Server 2012 (11.x) and later.

            USE AdventureWorks2012 ;   GO   CREATE USER CarmenW WITH PASSWORD = 'a8ea v*(Rd##+'   , SID = 0x01050000000000090300000063FF0451A9E7664BA705B10E37DDC4B7;                      

H. Creating a user to copy encrypted data

The following example creates a user that can copy data that is protected by the Always Encrypted feature from one set of tables, containing encrypted columns, to another set of tables with encrypted columns (in the same or a different database). For more information, see Migrate Sensitive Data Protected by Always Encrypted.

Applies to: SQL Server 2016 (13.x) and later, SQL Database.

            CREATE USER [Chin]    WITH          DEFAULT_SCHEMA = dbo       , ALLOW_ENCRYPTED_VALUE_MODIFICATIONS = ON ;                      

I. Create an Azure AD user from an Azure AD login in SQL Managed Instance

To create an Azure AD user from an Azure AD login, use the following syntax.

Sign into your managed instance with an Azure AD login granted with the sysadmin role. The following creates an Azure AD user, from the login This login was created in the CREATE LOGIN example.

            CREATE USER [] FROM LOGIN []; GO                      


When creating a USER from an Azure AD login, specify the user_name as the same login_name from LOGIN.

Creating an Azure AD user as a group from an Azure AD login that is a group is supported.

            CREATE USER [AAD group] FROM LOGIN [AAD group]; GO                      

You can also create an Azure AD user from an Azure AD login that is a group.

            CREATE USER [] FROM LOGIN [AAD group]; GO                      

J. Create an Azure AD user without an AAD login for the database

The following syntax is used to create an Azure AD user, in the SQL Managed Instance database (contained user):

            CREATE USER [] FROM EXTERNAL PROVIDER; GO                      

Next steps

Once the user is created, consider adding the user to a database role using the ALTER ROLE statement.
You might also want to GRANT Object Permissions to the role so they can access tables. For general information about the SQL Server security model, see Permissions.

See Also

Create a Database User
sys.database_principals (Transact-SQL)
DROP USER (Transact-SQL)
Contained Databases
Connecting to SQL Database By Using Azure Active Directory Authentication
Getting Started with Database Engine Permissions